

Me and Joe worked together to make the game-of-life for of Cyoa project, we made it so there are texts and when you tap on the blue it takes you to the next scene.


Talking with my teammate outside of school was a challenge because we were both busy with our life. So when we made a change we didn't talk to each other until school. Also when were talking and texting it gets hard to talk sometimes when we don't understand something. Like we both didn't know how to add images to the Cyoa. This is one challenge I faced.

Another challenge was trying to remembering all the code, we have two pages of code and it is hard to remember all of them when coding. Like imagine trying to remember two pages of work it is hard and that is a challenged I faced. There were times that I didn't know some code. So remembering the code was a big challenged


You should always text each other after a change and you should talk more when you need help. Like when we didn't talk everything was so hard so when you have group work it is important to talk so it would be easier to get things done.

You should use your notes so you don't have to remember two pages of notes.Like I didn't remember some code so I went into my notes and found them and also another takeaways is I can have better notes so I can find everything easier becasue it took me a bit to find each code that I needed to use.

Preview of project