Freedom Project/The future of cooking


So throughout the year we learned many different codes which we used for our freedom project. So for our freedom project we picked a topic, a tool, and came up with how to make the website. I picked cooking as my topic and I use Aframe as my tool.

Wondering what I made, so I thought of the future of cooking and how we can make cooking better. I came up with a website that tells you everything about cooking in the modern day and how we can make it better in the future. I came up with an app that connects to my Aframe/robot which helps you cook. This app is where you put what you want to cook, and the robot connects to what you do on the app. So this is my product.


Some codes don't work- like when I tried to add Aframe by using the iframe code nothing worked at first. and many other codes that I tried didn't work at first which was one challenge.

I didn't understand how to make it look like my wireframe- Another challenge was when I made my wireframe it seemed easy but when you started the code, it was hard, I didn't know where everything should go which was another challenge. Like when I want something to go somewhere it doesn't work. For example I wanted my title to go down a bit more but it wasn't working. Also when I added a picture to the background it didn't look right. So making it like the wireframe was a challenge.

I am not really creative so it was hard to make a website, and to come up with a freedom project topic.

Another challenge is I hate talking to a lot so the expo and presentation was hard.


Overall takeaways

Try codes until it works for you- When I didn't know something I would try the code until it works, I learned that you need to try new stuff until it works like what I did with my mvp. Like for the background I didn't know how to add a picture but I kept trying and it worked.

Ask friends for help- If the code still doesn't work even after trying it you should ask a friend for help. Like when I didn't know how the iframe I asked my friends and they explained to me how they did the code.

Sometimes relating it to everyday life is good, to come up with a topic or something. Like I didn't know what to pick so I picked cooking because of my sister.

Takeaways from Expo elevator pitch

Firstly I learned that you should be calm and talk to the judges normally, if you aren't calm you might mess up and say something you didn't want to.

Second thing I learned is that you should make eye contact with who you are talking to, the judges like it when they know you are talking to them.

Third thing is that you should practice your pitch before they come to you, you should be ready so you don't mess up.

Make sure you tell them everything you want that would help you get a better grade, like show them you tried really hard and that you did something no one else did.

Takeaways from in-class presentation

First thing I learned is that you should talk loud, you should be loud because you want everyone to hear you.

Next thing I learned is you should make eye contact with everyone and not just one person, that one person might not like it. So you should look at everyone.

I also learned that you should slow down sometimes, I felt like I was going too fast which I didn't know until my friends told me, so next time I will try going a bit slower but not too fast as well.

Next step

So the next step is to use everything I learned from this year and use it next year. I will write notes and make more websites to get better. These are my steps for the future.

Preview of Code
Preview of project