
My goal was to make a movie webpage with my partner on replit, using what I learned so far of Html(Hyper Text Markup Language) and Css(Cascading Style Sheets) that I learned in Sep 10.

My partner and I decided to make our movie base on action. So we made the movie about space and Mars. We came up with different characters like Mars Creatures,Space Pirates and Jeraldine the main character. We worked on different part of the story and coding so we can finsh what we needed, I faced a lot of challenges on the way.

Some challenges we faced was that it was hard to come up with the story and plot of everything. We didn't know where to start so we were just talking for most of the time which wasted a lot of time. Another challenge was that at home, I was doing most of the work, editing everything, my partner didn't really keep in contact so I was working on it alone at home. So I learn we shouldn't spend some much time talking and we should try to communicate more. I also learned to that you should asked people around you, when you need help. I didn't understand some codes so I started asking peopel around me to se if they get it. So I came across a lot of challenges but I learned a lot from this project. If I had more time with this project I would make a voice recording and a part two to the movie webpage. So that is what I learned and what I would do for the future of thsi class.

Preview of project
The link to code