The future of cooking

Humans have became lazier and lazier over the years, so imagine a world where you don't have to cook, and you can let a robot do it for you, I have the robot.


Cooking has been around since 780,000 years ago, however there are some problems that people face when cooking, like trying to know the temperature, getting the right recipes, getting the right measurements also there is the problem of being too lazy to cook, that is where thjis robot comes into play.

Learning about the software/part A

Yummly This is app for recipes just like tasty. You can get fast and easy recipes

Tasty This app allows you to find recipes you like by searching them up. They also make interesting videos and there is a lot of people who watches those videos.

Learning about the hardware/part B

Thermometer Thermometers helps check the temperature of the food you are cooking. It is to see if they are the right temperature.

Scale A kitchen scale is for measuring the amount ingredients you need.

Mixer This is a mixer, it is a thing to mix ingredients.

3D printing You might never heard of 3d printing food. In this website you can see what 3d printing foods is. You might think is it edible or not some are however I want to make all foods from 3D printing foods edible.

My ideas

  • A better app
    • Tells you the recipes
    • Tells you the ingredients
    • Tells how long to cook for
    • Tastes the food for you
    • Tells you if you need more or less ingredients
  • 3rd printing food
    • Making a food out of 3d printing
    • Tells you what you need for the 3d printing
    • Tells you how long 3d printing food would take
  • An app that tells you all the measurement and temperature
    • Tells you temperature
    • Tells you measurements
    • You put in a time and temperature that you are cooking it at and it will give you an output telling you what is the temperature inside of your food.
  • A machine to cook for you
    • You give it ingredients
    • Tells it what to cook
    • It makes everything for you and tells you the facts about it like what it is made out of and how much calories it is

What I choose

A machine that cooks for you

    • You go on the app and pick what to cook
    • The machine cooks what you pick
    • The robot beings you the food

My app


Learn more about my idea

So what you have is a machine that cooks for you, I used Aframe to give a show of what I want it to do. It should be able to move around help cook food, it should be able to do what a human is able to do.
